A community-based art project that seeks to connect communities through pulling up a chair and sharing stories of positivity about Strong Women of Toledo.

Artwork by Rachel Rine

Story from Veralucia Mendoza

Though Lucy’s mother is now home in Peru, the presence of her mother’s love is surely felt. A lack of color in the representation of the mother symbolizes the lack of physical presence of Lucy’s mom, though her being is still very much represented. Lucy’s blue hair symbolizes the initial sadness she felt in regards to her mother returning home; the pink in her cheeks representing her growing acceptance of her mother’s decision made out of love. They are not shown in a specific time or place, because regardless of where Lucy and he mother end up physically, the love they have for one another will always be present. 

The style of this piece was inspired by Carla McRae, a Melbourne-based illustrator whose latest exhibition, Still, celebrates small ways in which we find calm. A hug is yet another moment in which we pause to both give and receive affection and find a bit of peace. 

- Rachel Rine, Artist

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