A community-based art project that seeks to connect communities through pulling up a chair and sharing stories of positivity about Strong Women of Toledo.

Artwork by Tess Segura

Story from Margaret Lockwood-Lass

“A nun and Toledo Grows”

Toledo Grows is an organization founded by a nun, Sister Christine (Chris) Pratt, 20 years ago. It started with the idea to have a small community garden behind a church, and grew to become a working farm in Toledo. One of the main goals Sister Chris wanted to achieve with the project was to teach children in urban areas of Toledo about agriculture, and to provide a safe place for them to go to. I illustrated vegetables to look as though they came from a children’s coloring book. Additionally, I wanted to convey the rich experience with all the colors, and give a sense of the program’s presence and how much it has grown over the years. It has gone from 25 gardens to 150. The message on the chair, “Gardens Revitalize Our World” is what Toledo GROWs means.

- Tess Segura, Artist

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